Before meeting Olivia, the Kush Queen, I had never used CBD and I had never really used any other cannabinoids. I was never opposed to trying CBD but you could say I was indifferent and didn’t see how it would benefit me. Olivia and I connected via the gram on 4/20 of all dates after I posted a photo of my dog in some socks with weed leaves on them. Naturally, we started talking and a few days later, the mother of all Kush Queen care packages showed up at my door.

Fast forward to now, CBD is incorporated into my daily routine and not to be dramatic but I'm a better person because of it. 

5 ways Kush Queen products have transformed my self-care and overall wellness. 

Kush Queen Melt CBD Relief Lotion shown in its packaging laying on a green silk.

5) Daily CBD use has reduced my full body tension 

If you would have told me 10 years ago that wearing a heavy backpack every day would cause severe neck and back pain I would’ve made different decisions. Rewind to only a year ago, I was popping more than the average amount of Ibuprofen daily and still not finding proper relief. Now I use a cocktail of Kush Queen products to naturally relieve my non-stop tension. 

This combo has been more effective than NSAIDs ever were. I most frequently use MELT Relief Lotion directly on my neck and shoulders for almost instant relief and preventively, I ingest a few drops of higher-dose bare CBD Tincture in the morning and at night. At the end of an extra-long day or when I wake up with a crick in my neck, I rely on a 100 or 200mg Relieve CBD Bath Bomb. 

4. A better sex life, foreal though

Coincidentally enough, I walked into a dispensary a couple of months before I met Olivia specifically looking for THC lube I had heard some women rave about on a podcast. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a cannabis-infused lube but it piqued my interest (duh) and I had to find out what the hype was about. That dispensary wound up not having it in stock and I forgot about my lube hunt until that KQ care package arrived. 

Let me tell you, friends, whether you’re single and ready to mingle or in an ultra committed relationship, cannabis-infused lube does make a fiery difference during sexy time. If you’re as lucky as me you’ll experience intensified sensation and all-around more fun experience, I promise.

Red silk gloves holding a bottle of Kush Queen Personal Lube.

3. Shorter recovery from intense workouts

Between my daily dose of Kush Queen’s bare CBD tincture and the occasional Relieve bath, I’ve been able to recover from intense workouts a lot quicker than usual. With regular Crossfit style workouts, I take pre and post workout recovery pretty seriously with stretching, nutrition and now CBD. Soreness is noticeably down after incorporating daily CBD use. 

2. Better sleep

Perhaps the biggest difference CBD and now CBN has made in my life is when it comes to the quality of sleep I get. For almost as long as I can remember, I’ve had issues falling asleep and staying asleep. If you’re one of those people who falls asleep within 5 minutes and wakes up refreshed as ever, I envy you!!

If you’re one of those people who can relate to my sleep struggles, I know how frustrating it can be to feel like your brain never just takes a break. I’ve never been a fan of prescription sleeping pills and even with smoking weed before bed, there was always a chance I’d wake up groggy.

That’s why my preferred medley of cannabinoids for sleep is GummiesRX Sleep CBN:CBD gummies + a few drops from my bare CBD Tincture. This combo has seriously been a game-changer for me. 

Kush Queen Bare CBD Tincture sitting on orange and pink boxes alongside cannabis plant leaves and nuggs.

3. Eased my wandering mind, which surprised me

I’ll admit that being on edge has never been at the forefront of things I felt I needed to deal with. Honestly, I accidentally stumbled upon CBD helping the nervous energy I didn’t even know I had one day.

One of the first times I used my bare tincture for a headache, I also attended a very hectic convention. I had a mini epiphany during that time and realized I felt different. I was calm and much more at peace with where I was. I wasn’t stressed like I normally might be in a loud, packed atmosphere. I continued to experiment with success in large crowds, loud venues, and in certain social situations.

Throughout the last year on my cannabinoid journey, I’ve been able to minimize the nervousness I feel by properly preparing before one of these situations that I know might trigger me. 


Cannabinoids have provided me relief, remedied pain, and even enhanced my life in ways I didn’t even think about before. My eyes have been opened into this world and I hope from my experiences, you’re also inspired to try new ways to thrive. 

Here are the Kush Queen CBD products I use on a daily basis: